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 Post subject: gubalism
PostPosted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 9:46 am

Joined: Tue May 07, 2013 4:09 pm
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Creating a space to collect upcoming information & media concerning the new PANArt-creation "Gubal"

In order of date of appearance



PANArt's 20th anniversary ... aumsfeier/

Image ... uBcJosIZfM

Gubal-video by the Hangmakers themselves

Tuning of the Gubal

The reference-pitch of the tuning is the Helmholtz-frequency of the body Eb2.

The Gubal is tuned
Eb3 / Bb3 C4 Db4 Eb4 F4 G4 Bb4

wich is Eb-mixolydian!



unknown yet


Please add new upcoming media & information! :)

 Post subject: Re: gubalism
PostPosted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 4:04 pm

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Meister Eder wrote:
Tuning of the Gubal

The reference-pitch of the tuning is the Helmholtz-frequency of the body Eb2.

The Gubal is tuned
Eb3 / Bb3 C4 Db4 Eb4 F4 G4 Bb4

wich is Eb-mixolydian

...or Bb-dorian! :)

 Post subject: Re: gubalism
PostPosted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 6:04 pm

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Meister Eder wrote:
Tuning of the Gubal

The reference-pitch of the tuning is the Helmholtz-frequency of the body Eb2.

The Gubal is tuned
Eb3 / Bb3 C4 Db4 Eb4 F4 G4 Bb4

The tuning of the Gubal is much more complex. I recommend the chapters "Dealing with richness" and "Sources of richness" in the book. The CD in the book demonstrates very well that the center of Gubal playing is Gu and Ringding. In this complex zone much more sounds and frequencies are activated than only Eb2 and Eb3. Technical the tuning can be described as the Helmholtz resonance Eb2 that can be lowered to Bb1 (and any frequency between) with the hand, the neck of the Gu and the ringding are tuned with Eb3, Bb3 and Eb4.

 Post subject: Re: gubalism
PostPosted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:01 pm

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Michael Paschko wrote:
The tuning of the Gubal is much more complex. (...)
In this complex zone much more sounds and frequencies are activated than only Eb2 and Eb3. (...)
Technical the tuning can be described as the Helmholtz resonance Eb2 that can be lowered to Bb1 (and any frequency between) with the hand (...)

You're so right!

It's really amazing to see that the Choir has two harmonic centers (Eb-mixolydian & Bb-dorian) that accord to the range of the Hemholtz-frequency of the body (Eb2-Bb1) !!! :) :) :)

The harmonic tone-balance through fundamentals & multiple overtones of this tuning offers a wide range of harmonic possibilities!!

Last but not least: I really love the book, witch is just beautiful!* - and the Cd really captures some ideas or "doors" that this instrument offers!*

Thank you Michael, namasté <3

PS: Please excuse me:
Michael Paschko wrote:
(...)the neck of the Gu and the ringding are tuned with Eb3, Bb3 and Eb4.

I thought Eb3 (Eb4/Bb4) like an 'ordinary' Ding would be...?

EDIT: typo

 Post subject: Re: gubalism
PostPosted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 10:23 am

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Meister Eder wrote:
PS: Please excuse me:
Michael Paschko wrote:
(...)the neck of the Gu and the ringding are tuned with Eb3, Bb3 and Eb4.

I thought Eb3 (Eb4/Bb4) like an 'ordinary' Ding would be...?

Gubal is different.

 Post subject: Re: gubalism
PostPosted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 12:14 pm

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Michael Paschko wrote:
Meister Eder wrote:
Michael Paschko wrote:
(...)the neck of the Gu and the ringding are tuned with Eb3, Bb3 and Eb4.

I thought Eb3 (Eb4/Bb4) like an 'ordinary' Ding would be...?

Gubal is different.

Thank you! The Hang-book clears it up:

On page 14 the tuning of the Gubal-"Ringding" is mentioned as:

Octave (VIII), Duodezime (XII) and Double-octave (XVI) which means indeed

Eb3 (VIII), Bb3 (XII) and Eb4 (XVI)

 Post subject: Re: gubalism
PostPosted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 12:15 pm

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New youtube-channel by the hangmakers:

 Post subject: Re: gubalism
PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 11:58 am

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Matt Venuti:

Dominique Molard:

Michael Colley:

 Post subject: Re: gubalism
PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 12:03 pm

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Meister Eder wrote:

Ja, das verstehe ich nicht. Zum ersten Mal ein Gubal in der Hand und gleich auf Youtube. Gubal ist ein nicht so einfach zu spielendes Musikinstrument. Kann sich jemand vorstellen, daß man sich mit einem Cello, was man fünf Minuten zum ersten Mal in seinem Leben gespielt hat dann hinsetzt und ein Video veröffentlicht?
Auf dem Video ist wirklich nichts, aber auch garnichts von der Qualität des Gubal zu hören. Aber Hauptsache man hat es als einer der ersten in der Hand gehabt. Anders kann ich den Sinn des Videos nicht interpretieren.



Last edited by AdminMichael on Mon Sep 30, 2013 10:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
Code correction to display the quote correctly

 Post subject: Re: gubalism
PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 12:32 pm

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Posts: 85
I think the point of including the Michael Colley video was just to show another youtube clip of the Gubal, I don't think the video does any justice to the sound of the gubal at all. But then Michael has suggested that elsewhere, that you cannot get the deep sound of the Gubal in the video.

It was interesting for me anyway, to see the bag the Gubal comes in :)

But I also think the point of posting the video was to show that he had come into contact with one, he wanted to share his first experience of playing the instrument with the world... nothing wrong with that is there? people can make up their own minds as to whether it's good or not.

 Post subject: Re: gubalism
PostPosted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 10:39 am

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Frank Sturm wrote:
Michael Colley:
Ja, das verstehe ich nicht. Zum ersten Mal ein Gubal in der Hand und gleich auf Youtube. Gubal ist ein nicht so einfach zu spielendes Musikinstrument. Kann sich jemand vorstellen, daß man sich mit einem Cello, was man fünf Minuten zum ersten Mal in seinem Leben gespielt hat dann hinsetzt und ein Video veröffentlicht?
Auf dem Video ist wirklich nichts, aber auch garnichts von der Qualität des Gubal zu hören. Aber Hauptsache man hat es als einer der ersten in der Hand gehabt. Anders kann ich den Sinn des Videos nicht interpretieren.

To my knowledge the well experienced Hang-player Michael Colley speaks French & English, but not German.
Maybe it would be more fair & constructive to criticize his attitude in a language he understands?
L&L Eder

 Post subject: Re: gubalism
PostPosted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 10:58 am

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It may be possibly a little bit fairer, but it isn't that important. Kelly Hutchinson for example understood the comment very well, I guess by using Google translate.

On the other hand you should consider that it had taken more effort for Frank to formulate this in English than readers to use Google translate. I think he was just a bit frustrated at that moment, so he used his native language.

I think English native speakers should also appriciate the effort of not native English speakers like you or Frank for communicating in a foreign language all the time. Therefor it shouldn't be a big problem, when they are forced in seldom cases to use an online translator or request an explanation. They have such a big advantage of a much more fluent communication all the time.


 Post subject: Re: gubalism
PostPosted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 11:27 am

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To give a contribution to the discussion: I think there are different sorts of videos on Youtube: On the one hand all the kids just spontaneously sharing a lot of moments of their private life, showing their buddies their new toys etc. and on the other Hand videos with quality demands.

What sort of videos are expected by people been known to be Hang players for several years and published Hang videos before?


 Post subject: Re: gubalism
PostPosted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 5:33 pm

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Michael Paschko wrote:
To give a contribution to the discussion: I think there are different sorts of videos on Youtube: On the one hand all the kids just spontaneously sharing a lot of moments of their private life, showing their buddies their new toys etc. and on the other Hand videos with quality demands (...)

Thank you, you're right! - there are different kinds of approaches & of course this is just a snip from a smartphone.
No reason to discriminate Michael Colley, he's one of the good guys.
L&L to all, Eder

 Post subject: Re: gubalism
PostPosted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 9:02 pm

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Another one by Matt Venuti:

 Post subject: Re: gubalism
PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 10:34 pm

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it has been a long time since i posted here but i thought i would add comment because I am 'being discussed'

I will answer your comments/concerns Michael (not Frank as i do not think he is worth a response - it seems he is still the same miserable grumpy man i met a few years ago)

the 'aim' of my gubal video was not to present a performance or to show my expertise; nor was it to critique, promote or insult the instrument or it's makers......

you read too much into things sometimes.... because i am a 'known' hang player you think I have an obligation to only post professional videos? if you look at my youtube videos you will see that only 2 are of professional quality - one is a clip from a documentary made about my 'acoustic sound journeys' and the other is a music video called 'she left me gone' .... both are from a long time ago.

if you look at my gubal video in conjunction with the comments i made under the video and my posts on forum you will clearly see that I am not presenting the video in any way other than hey I played one of these things it's great but the quality of the video and my playing do not do justice to this sound sculpture

do you think the same of Matt Venuti? I think his latest 'performance' video of the Gubal does no justice to the instrument either.

such as life

be well

MC/ in2nation

 Post subject: Re: gubalism
PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 11:40 pm

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Miserable und Grumpy?

Ich hatte einen anderen Eindruck vom Hangout damals.

Naja, aber Du hasst auf jeden Fall den längsten. Und ich schreibe in deutsch, weil ich keine Energie aufbringen will um von Colley verstanden zu werden.
Er wird so oder so meine Worte verdrehen und in seiner Sprache ist er da deutlich überlegen.

Mit einem anspruchsvollem Musikinstrument gehe ich nicht nach drei Minuten Erstkontakt auf ein öffentliches Medium, wenn ich mich nicht lächerlich machen will.
Es sei denn, ich will zeigen daß ich einer der ersten bin, der es in der Hand halten durfte.

Venuti kann auch noch einiges lernen, aber da erkennt man die Idee hinter dem Gubal.



 Post subject: Re: gubalism
PostPosted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 10:10 am

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"Man müsste Klavier spielen können. Wer Klavier spielt hat Glück bei den Frauen", heißt es in einem alten deutschen Schlager. In den 1970er Jahren kam der E-Gitarre eine ähnliche Funktion zu. Und offenbar hat zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts das Hang eine solche Rolle übernommen.

Es darf nicht übersehen werden, dass das Hang sehr oft ein Mittel ist, um beliebt zu sein und im Mittelpunkt zu stehen. Diesen Effekt wird wohl jeder kennen, der das Hang auf irgendeine Weise im öffentlichen oder halböffentlichen Raum gespielt hat. Das Hang ist neu, unerwartet, exotisch und sein Klang ist anziehend. Man steht damit sofort im Mittelpunkt. Ich denke, dass diese Erfahrung immer mitschwingt und dass es nicht leicht ist, sich ihr zu entziehen und nicht von ihr leiten zu lassen.

Ich habe gelernt, dass diese Funktion oft ein starker Antrieb sein muss, sich mit dem Hang in der Öffentlichkeit zu präsentieren. Und offenbar wird dies unterschwellig auch von anderen so wahrgenommen und dem Hangspieler die Erfüllung dieses Bedürfnisses zugestanden. Das führt dazu, dass es nahezu unmöglich zu sein scheint, Hang-Youtube-Videos zu kritisieren, weil dies sowohl von dem, der es gemacht hat, als auch von vielen, die es anschauen, sofort als Kränkung des Eigenwertgefühls aufgefasst wird, dass ja durch das Video gestärkt werden sollte. Dann kochen die Gefühle über, und es wird garstig.

Für das Hang als Musikinstrument (und man muss befürchten, dass dem Gubal eine ähnliche Karriere bevorsteht), ist dieser psychologische Subtext nicht sehr vorteilhaft, denn er hat dazu geführt, dass es immer noch hauptsächlich als Exotentrommel rezipiert wird, mit der man Aufmerksamkeit erregen kann. Das ist schade. In Wirklichkeit liegen die Qualitäten des Hang und Gubal ebenso in den Feinheiten wie bei Trompete, Geige oder Saxophon.


 Post subject: Re: gubalism
PostPosted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 12:29 pm

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I think you miss (misinterpret?) my point michael - I am not trying to win a popularity contest or gain 'likes' to make me feel good. (I already have a whole string of 'haters' ready and willing to insult me and laugh at my every mistake and misfortune :) )

the point is that a lot of my friends (not just forum members) are hang and handpan players and it is merely 'interesting' for them (and me) to see and hear the Gubal in a different context... my friends (after seeing my video) have asked me questions about it and I have been able to explain in more detail my feelings about it...(which are very positive as i think its a wonderful creation!)

I don't think your generalisation (analogy) is true in every case though I do think that often this IS the case with hang and handpans.

happy days


ps. maybe it would be better for you that I unlisted the video so random strangers cannot 'stumble' accross my inadequate Gubal video out of context and make innaccurate assumptions about it? I wonder if PANArt care about it? (they have my contact details and can ask or tell me anything they like whenever they like and i will give it serious thought and consideration)

pps. i remember seeing several low quality videos of both yourself and frank playing Hang over the years .... is that the same?

 Post subject: Re: gubalism
PostPosted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 3:32 pm

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I am more than happy to continue using Google to translate text, I for one wish I knew how to speak and read French or German but I do not and I certainly do not expect others out there to write in English if it is not their native language or find it something they struggle with.

With regards to the Video Michael Colley posted. It was actually nice for me, not just to get a small glimpse of the sound of the instrument with the visual aid, but also to see the instrument itself. There was nothing anywhere that I had seen of the Gubal online, there are of course videos from PANart now that show the shape and look of the GUBAL, but Michael's video was the first time i'd actually seen one.

So for me that was a valuable glimpse, especially also seeing the case to carry one... it's interesting to me and for that I am grateful to Mr Colley for posting the video.

I see no other alterior motives behind his posting and I think this is a dead conversation, it's not going to go anywhere as there is nothing more to discuss, it is what it is and shall be what it shall be :)

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